Sunday, December 5, 2010

Auntie Sam, I jump on bed!!!


Nephews are one of life's great joys, though a nice, calm wake-up they are not! My Mason decided that my bed was a fabulous trampoline and made good use of it. The joys of three and a half year olds!

Sawyer, at 7 weeks, is a bit more sedate and quite a warm little motor (fabulous for Auntie Sam, who is not used to Colorado cold!) "I wuv brother," says Mason. What a good big brother he is!

The goodies from Asia were a hit, including the stuffed animals and the elephant 't' from Cambodia. Yes, this one's in constant motion!

On a side note, my sister-in-law told me about her conversation with Mason a week ago, just following the loss of my dog. After my brother hung up with me, Mason asked why I was sad, and Cortney explained that my dog died. He thought for a minute and said "I bring my Tigger to her." (Tigger is his much beloved golden-doodle puppy whom he loves/loves to abuse.) It was a very sweet offer and I was incredibly touched.

This morning was quite cold, and I learned that a cold three year old is quite snuggly. Definitely the makings of a perfect morning!

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